- C: Consistence, all clients always have the same view of the data
- A: Availability, each client can always read and write
- P: Partition Tolerance, the system works well despite physical network partitions.
CP (Strong consistent and partition tolerance)
typically set up in master/slave structure between servers,
- BigTable
- MongoDB (this can be eventual consistent, for better availability)
- HBase
AP (available and partition tolerance)
typically set up in peer to peer (P2P) structure, they are eventual consistent
- CouchDB
- Cassandra (this can be set to strong consistent)
AC (high availability and strong consistence)
- MySql
- PostgreSQL
database in memory
- Redis, CP, popular, used by sina, zhihu, it is paired with MySql
- memcached
- membase: CP, cached the SQLite into memory